levels and tones....first find out what level your natural pigmented hair is, and the % of un-pigmented hair ';Grey'; that you have on your head(a consultation from a professional colorist). highlighting blonde is not always the best answer, if your pigmented hair is very dark, because the blonde (levels 6 - 10) may be just as light as the Grey and you may still see a line of demarcation as soon as your hair grows. If your natural pigment is a light color then go ahead and do highlights...if not choose a semi or demi color with out a neutral or Grey cover base, you Grey hair will act as highlights....stay a way from brassy colors because your Grey hair could appear very brassy like tinsel on the xmas tree. As a hair stylist myself, I suggest you consult with a professional who's work you have seen with your own eyes. otherwise you could end up damaging your hair or looking like a bad xmas ornament!What is better to dye your hair all one color or to highlight it when you have too many gray hair?
Well, first, stop dyeing it black. If you are old enough to have gray hair, you are old enough to have black look way too harsh. Have you ever wondered why so many older women who color their hair are blonde? It's because blonde is closer in color to gray and grays are less noticable in blonde hair. That said, i dye my hair red and the cool thing about that is that it makes the grays appear to be the highlights. This is because the grays are lighter than the other parts of my hair. So when i color the grays color differently than the parts that aren't gray. Women of a ';certain age'; simply shouldn't do black.
I have gray hair as well. Black is hard to keep up with. I suggest you lighten the color a bit.
I have highlights woven in only a few times a year. The rest of the time I just have the roots done and the color blends in to the highlighted hair.
I think the highlights definitely help hide the gray.
You really do need to get it done by someone that specializes in hair coloring since you have black color on it now.
Good luck!
try highlights that way it will blend a little more
dye blue%26amp;highlight it with diff colours
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